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Global Policy - Diplomacy - Sustainability Fellowship

 Best Minds Globally - Interact. Immerse. Involve. Evolve. 


Three courses

      60 hours of live interactive lectures by eminent faculties


   Young & Mid Career



English  Proficiency



Five skill based workshops Output and outcome driven


Selection Process
                                                                      Two stage selection process



  Fifteen global leaders

 Networking Socials

Happy Hours

International Cohort

Application Process

   Application Form 

                       Payment of Fees                           Scholarship requirements


Comparative Public Administration

Course 1.png

As governance becomes increasingly complex in an ever-changing world, it is important to understand the needs of multiple stakeholders with a diversity of needs and aspirations. In this track, we give GPODS fellows an in-depth understanding of the process of policy formulation, adoption, and evaluation. Fellows will learn about the various facets of the politics of policymaking, the paradigms of public policy, and practical tools for stakeholder management, risk assessment, anticipation strategies for unintended consequences, and comparative analysis of various governance systems from across the world. In addition to structural analysis, this track also gives the fellows insight into normative questions around inequalities, democracy, decentralization, and the welfare state using cutting edge research and real-life cases applying frameworks from systems thinking, behavioral economics, and game theory. 

International Political Economy and Diplomacy


As the globe is torn between an ever condensing world and a significant rise in nationalism, privacy, and sovereignty concerns, inter-governmental relations emerge as one of the most important aspects of facilitating the transition into nuanced and peaceful inter-state relations. The Fellowship intends to cover the various verticals of Diplomacy that undercut the negotiations that be at the national level including: 


  • Agenda setting: A problem or issue rises to prominence on the agenda.

  • Formulation: Possible policies are created and debated.

  • Adoption: The government adopts one policy.

  • Implementation: The appropriate government agency enacts the policy.

  • Evaluation: Officials and agencies judge whether the policy has been successful.  

Global Commons Seminar Series on Sustainability,  Health and Climate Change


As the world struggles with the qualms and effects of climate change, sustainability and sustainable solutions have emerged as the primary feeder to address environmental issues world wide. At various levels of the state, including international, national, provincial, municipal to the demands of the market in terms of sustainable living for consumers, sustainable functioning, in the manufacturing and service sectors - Green solutions are the way forward with more and more governments regulating the spheres. As the field develops over the next few decades, the GPODS fellowship intends to explore and cover the various facets of Sustainability that can be used across the board - from Government to Industry to consumer level and can help attain an environmentally sustainable future.


These include Sustainability tools for:

  • Built Environment and Energy Infrastructure;

  • Food Security;

  • Circular Economy;

  • Conservation of Natural Resources and addressing pan-planet climate change; 

  • Green Financing;

  • Adapting and Modifying policies and advocacy mechanisms to regulate Climate Change;

  • Environmental Impact Assessment; and

  • Carbon-neutral systems.


The GPODS Fellowship offers a unique system of mentorship to the Fellows by assigning not just specialized experience-driven lectures by Global leaders in the fields of Public Policy, Diplomacy, and Sustainability but also arranging interactive 'Office-Hours'* with many of them. The Lectures are intended to give the fellows first-hand insights into the world of the most coveted professionals across the board; while the Office Hours are intended to sharpen the Fellows' mental models as they discuss, comprehend, learn and explore the intricacies of the various fields of their interest. This also gives them the opportunity to network and establish personal connections with the current leaders in the fields of Public Policy, Diplomacy, and Sustainability.

* Depending on the availability of the Mentors and subject to change.


  • GPODS is made for students and professionals who are at a Watershed Threshold in their academic or professional lives. The Watershed Threshold would signify a significant moment at which the professional would seek to transit into bigger roles in her/his career or scholarly pursuits. This would mean an effort which is catalyzed by GPODS, to delve deeper into areas of their respective interests or expertise by dedicating time and energy towards multi-disciplinary learning to hone their skills - all while developing an intra and inter-peer network of global leaders.; 


  • May work full time or part-time, but must commit to completing the 3-month program, starting from November 2022 till end December 2022;


  • Be open to working in or studying sectors outside their comfort zone;


  • Basic knowledge of English language is required.

An important thing to note is that what we value in our Global Fellows is their passion to bring about a positive change globally, and not their age, nationality, gender or background.


We have developed workshops based on our industry interactions. We asked policy leaders and businesses the question: what skills will leaders in policy, diplomacy, and sustainability need to navigate through the job markets in the 21st century. The answer we got was - (1) the ability to write and communicate well; (2) systems thinking; (3) fundraising; (4) the ability to solve complex problems; (5) understanding of the circular economy; and (6) stakeholder management. 



  • Reading & Writing

  • Fundraising

  • Systems Thinking/Design Thinking

  • Complex Problem Solving

  • Understanding of the Circular Economy

  • Stakeholder Management



  • Policy Writing and Communications Lab

  • Fundraising

  • Systems Thinking

  • Case  Studies in Public Policy and Climate Change

  • Program Design and Impact Evaluation



  •      A publishable policy article

  • Grant proposals and fund raising plans

  • Systems Mapping using a system design software

  • Case study presentation

  • Circular economy modelling

  • Stakeholder analysis tools and knowledge of real life experiences

Selection Process


All applications would be reviewed by a panel of experts on the basis of your:



  • Resume

  • Statement of Purpose (500 word)

  • One letter of recommendation/Any other additional document (Optional)

Early Bird Application Deadline: 15th August, 2022

Final Application Deadline:  15th September, 2022


Once the selection process is over, you would be notified via email about the final decision about your candidature. 


Please Note: We reserve the sole right to offer and/or revoke the admissions and scholarships to the applicants at any point of time.

Application & Scholarship


Fellowship  Fees:


  • Early Bird Application Fee              : 1500 INR|  20 USD | 19 EUR

  • Application Fee                               : 2500 INR|  35 USD | 33 EUR

  • Fellowship Fee                                : INR 100,000 | USD 1375 | EUR 1,156


Fellowship Fee is a one time fee for the entire duration of the course and is inclusive of all taxes. 

All fees are non-refundable. 


Application Process:

  • Fill in the application form on our website by attaching your resume and statement of purpose (max. 500 words)

  • Letter of recommendation and any other additional documents are optional.

  • Follow the steps on the application page to complete the application fee payment through Paypal. (Note: Take a screenshot once the payment through Paypal is completed.)

  • On the receipt of application materials including the receipt of payment your application will be considered.


Bank account details:-


  • AC No.: 024263300002976

  • Account Name- Envipol

  • Bank Name - Yes Bank (India)

  • Swift code - YESBINBB

  • IFSC Code:  YESB0000242


  • Attach screenshot as proof of payment of application fee with your application.

  • In case of selection to the GPODS fellowship program you will receive an email of your selection. 

  • Within 7 days of receipt of our e-mail confirming your selection to the fellowship, kindly ensure the payment of fellowship fees.

  • Once you've a received an email confirming receipt of the fellowship fees, voila, you're part of our global fellowship. 

  • We shall not consider any application without the fee receipt and other mandatory attachments. 

  • Any late applications shall not be entertained. 




  • Applicants may tick the box to be considered for a scholarship in the application form.

  • Scholarship application will only be considered once you have applied for the fellowship with all requisite documents. 

  • The decision in relation to awarding scholarship shall be strictly based on merit and final.

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Founders:- Eeshan Chaturvedi and Arpit Chaturvedi                       

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